Thursday, October 21, 2004
unfoldedd truth ~ @8:31 PM
Rachel n Rebebcca ( the twins ) are here now....not that they can see wat im typing...the're so quiet !!....and im so bored....and its raining....
We made like four decorative stuff ledi.....they are soooo quiet....
And now their staing at the funny actually...Lucia & Cherie & Ira can't come todae....all mother dont bored....wat can i do ??....Its raining so we can't go playground....can't shoot....
lol...their both reading archie comics ....we cant do this the whole dae....its so boring....
At least i know theres school tomorrow....yay...but then all we'll be doing is washing cars...playing cards...selling stuff.....wat else can we do ??....ohya...i got to bring my $20 to schoolt tomorrow...better remember...
Its onli 11.30am....And they're suppose to stay till 5PM....omg....
So what to do????....
I fel like parcticing my shots.....i need to learn the flicking of wrist actic of shooting....and its like only 3 or 4 or sumting days away from the next netball training at Raffles Girls....So scared...
But i like the coach...:)...shes very she always like that or is she just like that to us cos we just joined the training...their trainings dont seem tough....
unfoldedd truth ~ @6:48 AM
Im so bored....
SnT04 CaMe ToDaY.... Esther made a super nice thingy so i think we could follow suit since its like so simple and nice... is so boring unless its netball chalet or aus trip....
No1 @ neopets cares.....
Can't w8 till school reopens....
Watched White Chicks with CHL todae....
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
unfoldedd truth ~ @7:10 PM
You are like the snow fairy, she is very beautiful,
she has the power to make things beautiful, but
She is sometimes quite selfish, and spends most
of the time she should be using her magic
staring at her self in the mirror. Other than
the fact that she is vain and selfish. She is
a nice person, when she IS actually using her
magic, her powers are great, and she is very
helpful. Well that's most of the tings about
the snow fairy, can you relate to some of them?
You probably can, because that is what this
quiz is for!
**The ultimate Fairy quiz**(anime pics!) for girls, but if you are a guy you can take it too! !**being improved more**! brought to you by Quizilla
unfoldedd truth ~ @6:57 PM
You're a Spring. You usually are very close-knit
with your friends and value everyone freidnship
you have. You're a real people person and
everyone loves how friendly you are. You're
good with encouraging people but usually don't
like to be the center of attention. You are a
social butterfly and probably are in several
circles of friends but it's just because you're
well liked and you make people comfortable.
You're both fun and wise but you are very
realistic about life
What season are you? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
unfoldedd truth ~ @6:56 PM
You came from heaven. Your gole in life is to help
others and to make the world a better place.
Some call you weak, but in reality your soul is
very strong. If only more people were like
Where did you come from? brought to you by Quizilla
unfoldedd truth ~ @6:46 PM
SnT04 iS sUppoSe 2 cOmE LaTeR 4 MaKinG tHe ArT n CrAfT ThiNgS 2 SeLL 4 FuNd RaiSiNg....
WaNdA's GrAnDdAd PaSSeD aWaY...;-(...QuiTe sAd 4 HeR & aMaNdA....
iM sOo bOrEd....
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
unfoldedd truth ~ @3:53 AM
Your kind of beauty is mysterious. You are not a
very open person so you can be hard to figure
out. Some people would say ALL girls are this
way but your mysteriousness is intriguing and
makes people want to find out more about you.
Your beauty is like a pair os eyes. So pretty,
so deep, and yet they hold so much emotion that
you have to look hard to see. You're pretty
intoverted so you talk a lot less than some of
the people you might know and when you do it's
probably very soft and calm. You don't really
like the way you look but trust me, you're
beauty is special and desirable.(If you can't
see tje pics, go to my homepage and look near
the bottom and find your result)
What kind of Beauty should you have? (girl) (PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, October 18, 2004
unfoldedd truth ~ @9:28 PM
Holidays are always so boring..... But aniwae, SnT04 is suppose to come on Thursdae , Friday & Wednesdae.... Went sHopping YesTerdaY and BougHt stuff WorTh about $150....
Y can't SnT04 come today ?? .... Arghh.....Its Sooo BoriNg.... Theres aBsoLuteli NOTHING 2 dO.... GunBound is SuDDenLi so boriNg ..... So is NeoPets & Habbo and YuRi's Revenge.....
LiFe is soooo BoriNg...... nObOdy 2 Talk 2.....
HeY ! I founDeD a SingaporeaN Board !